Top 10 Protein Foods


Protein is one of the vital macro nutrients that make the building blocks of the human body. To be more precise, they are chains of essential amino acids required by the human body for carrying out various functions perfectly. High protein foods for muscle building are also recommended. In this article we’ll discuss top 10 protein foods.

Generally, there are two kinds of proteins, whey protein and casein protein. Whey protein is dairy-based and easily digestible; casein protein takes time to get digested. Whey protein consists of all essential amino acids required for building strong muscles.

Why does your body require proteins?

Here are a few reasons why you ensure you are getting the required amount of protein everyday.

  • Protein is a vital building block in our body as it helps build muscles, skin, bones, and cartilage. Even your nails as well as hair consist of protein.
  • Protein repairs your body as it is involved in building and repairing tissues.
  • Red blood cells consist of a protein responsible for carrying oxygen throughout your body. This assists your whole body in getting the essential nutrients.
  • Protein also helps in digestion as half of the protein you take in your diet is involved in making enzymes that help in the digestion of food and in making new cells and some body chemicals.
  • Protein also helps in hormonal regulation, especially during the time of transformation and cell development at puberty.
  • Protein also assists you in staying in shape because
  • It speeds up recovery after an injury, and exercise
  • Decreases loss of muscle
  • Builds up lean muscle
  • It helps in maintaining a healthy weight
  • Curb hunger

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How much protein do you require everyday?

Lack of enough protein can result in a lot of health problems, such as your tissues start breaking down and leading to loss of muscle. And more protein is also bad for health as you might store the excess protein in the form of fats. As per the guidelines of the U.S Department of Agriculture and the U.S Department of Health and Human Services, the daily need for protein for various age groups are as follows.

  • Children under 4: 13 grams
  • Children ages 4 to 8: 19 grams
  • Children ages 9 to 13: 34 grams
  • Women and girls ages 14 and over: 46 grams
  • Boys ages 14 to 18: 52 grams
  • Men ages 19 and over: 56 grams

In simple words, everybody should try to get 10% to 35% of their total calories every day as proteins. You require more calories for various activities such as biking, running, and weight lifting, but a portion of protein should always remain the same.

Once you attain age 40, you begin losing muscle mass, known as sarcopenia, and you might require more protein.


Top 10 protein foods

If you want to know what are some of the foods that comes in the list of top 10 protein foods, then here it is:

1. Eggs

They are one of the most healthy and nutrient-rich foods on earth. They are filled with essential vitamins, healthy fats, antioxidants, and minerals for which it iss counted among top 10 protein food. Therefore, it is vital to include eggs in your everyday diet. The egg whites are pure protein. You can eat boiled eggs, scrambled eggs, and omelets and mix them in your protein shake.

2. Greek Yoghurt

It is one of the most common dairy products and a food item, which is very thick. It has a delicious taste, with a creamy texture, and is high in nutrients. You can get them quickly in the market and have them daily. You can add a little salt, honey, and walnuts to increase its taste.

3. Milk

Besides calcium and minerals, milk is also rich in high-quality proteins. A glass of milk in the evening is one of the best snacks that keep you full for an extended period.

4. Seeds and nuts

A handful of nuts such as pistachios, walnuts, and almonds are perfect as an evening snack and foods item. It decreases the risk of heart disease and is one of the best snacks when you want to lose some weight. They are high in calories, therefore, you should remain careful about their portion.

5. Cottage cheese

You can make cottage cheese your late-night snack as it is high in casein that gets digested very slowly and comes under top caesin protein food list. It keeps you full and will not lead to weight gain. You can have them by adding them to your sandwiches, salads, rolls, and wraps.

6. Chicken

Chicken breast is one of the best options as it is rich in protein that you can easily add to your recipes if you are a non vegetarian foods lover. But do not go for processed chicken. Other than that, chicken is rich in Vitamin B, such as Niacin and Vitamin B6, which are vital for decreasing your cardiovascular disease risk, management of diabetes, and supporting your brain health.

7. Lentils

For vegetarians and vegans, it can be used as an excellent source of protein. Besides protein, lentils are also rich in minerals and nutrients such as folate, iron, B vitamins, and potassium. Proteins present in lentils assist in maintaining a healthy heart, controlling blood sugar, and helping digestion.

8. Almonds

Almonds are one of the healthy snacks that consist of protein, unsaturated fatty acids, and fiber. It offers various health benefits such as protecting your heart from several cardiovascular diseases, decreasing inflammation, supporting cognitive function, enhancing your skin health, and controlling the level of blood sugar. Another best way to include almonds in your diet is by nut butter which you can easily prepare at home and add to your smoothies or spread on toast. It can be added multiple ways to our daily foods.

9. Oats

Generally taken in breakfast, oats are also an excellent source of protein. They are high in carbohydrates. You can flavor them with various healthy foods such as nuts and fruits. You can also make oats pancake as evening snacks.

10. Potatoes

Even if it’s a starchy vegetable, they good source of nutrients like protein. In a moderate amount, we can have it regularly.


There are varied sources of essential proteins that you can include in your diet, and some of them also offer extra nutrition beneficial for overall health.

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