Top 10 low calorie foods for losing weight

Low calorie foods for weight loss, foods to buy that fill you up

Low calorie food list for weight loss, low calorie foods that fill you up, surprising low calorie foods, low calorie diet for weight loss

One of the most challenging dietary changes to make can be reducing calorie intake. When you integrate nutritious and low calorie foods into your diet it assists you in losing weight or in maintaining a proper weight.

There is various low calorie food for weight loss available with good nutritional value but before jumping into that it’s necessary to know in detail about what a low-calorie food is and how it benefits.

What is low calorie food?

A lot of people take special care of how many calories they are consuming while trying to lose weight. A calorie is the amount of energy present in a food or the tissues of your body. One of the best ways is using more amount of the stored calories in your body and eating fewer calories.

Some of the food has become very popular as weight loss diets as they have very less calories which imply you can easily lose some calories by consuming them. Starting from your skin to your body metabolism, low calorie diet for weight loss benefits you in a lot of ways.

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Here are a few benefits you get by consuming low calorie food

  • A long and healthy life
  • More physical activity
  • Decreases age-related brain degeneration
  • Enhances your reproductive performance

Top 10 low calorie food list that fills you up:

There are many foods available that not only are filling but also have low calories. Here is a list of low calorie food for weight loss:

1. Oats

Oats can be one of the best addition to your daily diet while aiming for losing some weight. They are low in calories and high in fiber and protein which keeps you filled.

It helps in decreasing hunger and promotes the consumption of fewer calories in your next meal.40gm of oats contains 154 calories with 5 grams of protein and 4 grams of fiber.

2. Greek yogurt

It is not only low in calories but also high in protein which you can incorporate into your nutritious diet.  1 cup of Greek yogurt offers 150 calories and 25 grams of protein. It keeps your appetite full for a long time when compared with fatty snacks like crackers or chocolate. It decreases the hunger and gives you a feeling of fullness.

3. Soup

Even if the soup is ignored as a light side dish but it is very much satisfying that gives a feeling of fullness. A half cup of chicken soup consisting of about 60 calories and about 3 grams of protein. As per some research, soups are even more satisfying than solid foods.

It decreases calorie intake and is one of the healthy options for losing weight. But creamy soups and chowders even if give a full feeling but are high in calories. The best is opting for light broth or stock-based soup that lessens calories and increases fullness.

4. Crispy vegetables

It is not surprising that vegetables are low in calorie and are rich in nutrients and is associated with a healthy weight. If you want some satisfying vegetable-based snacks, go for some crispy veggies such as carrots, bell peppers, celery, broccoli, etc. They are low in calorie and reduces hunger.

5. Eggs

It is well known to everyone that eggs are rich in protein and have fewer calories, which makes them one of the best options for breakfast while increasing weight loss. One single egg consists of 72 calories, about 6 grams of protein, and several vitamins and minerals.

It’s best to start your day with one or two eat hard-boiled eggs as it gives you a feeling of fullness.

6. Fish

Like eggs, fish are also rich in protein which aids in losing weight partly as it gives you a full feeling and digestion occurs very slowly. Eating a fish meal gives a satisfying feeling and people consume few calories. It is often recommended to consume white fish such as cod and those fish that consist of omega – 3 fatty acids such as sardines and salmon.

7. Chicken breast

It is low in fat, low in calories, and a good source of protein. Eating chicken breast is good for your overall health. You can have shredded chicken breast and add it to your salads or you can use it for making some tacos using lettuce wrap that is low in calories.

8. Cottage cheese

One cup of cottage cheese consists of 28 grams of protein and 163 calories. When you increase your protein consumption by eating foods such as cottage cheese it reduces your appetite and hunger. Not only that but also it gives you a feeling of fullness for a long period.

9. Rajma

A plate of rajma chawal is very satisfying to eat. But omitting the chawal and having a full plate of healthy, protein-based, fibrous, low calorie helps in losing some weight. Half a cup of rajma gives you 100 calories and as they are a complex carbohydrate, therefore they help in sustaining levels of energy.

10. Legumes

Legumes like beans, lentils, and peas ate high in protein and fiber and less in calories. One cup of cooked legumes gives you about 230 calories, along with 15.6 grams of fiber and 18 grams of protein. It also has a good effect on your hunger and appetite.


Reducing calories does not means that you have to remain hungry and unsatisfied in between your meals. The best is eating some of the wide varieties of food that are low in calories and gives a feeling of fullness.

It will assist you in preventing your food cravings and reduces hunger. In addition, pair it with an active lifestyle, and a good diet. This will not only help in losing weight but also in overall well-being.

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What benefits do you get by consuming fewer calories?

Restricting daily calorie consumption helps in controlling your glucose, metabolic syndrome, inflammation measures, and insulin resistance. Not only has that but also decreased the heart disease risk and diabetes even in healthy adults who are not suffering from obesity.

Does it help to live long when you eat fewer calories?

Yes, eating fewer calories helps in slowing down the aging process and enhances longevity because of the good impact on your overall well-being.

How do low-calorie foods help in losing weight?

Eating low calorie foods assist a person in getting a full feeling while decreasing the daily consumption of calories that help in losing weight.

Are low-calorie foods safe to consume?

Low calorie foods are mostly safe when properly followed. A good dietician can assist you in making sure you are receiving the proper amount of nutrients and required calories for keeping you safe and healthy.

Who should not consume low-calorie food?

For some people, a low calorie diet is not recommended. Therefore, it is often good to check with the doctor before starting consumption of a low-calorie diet. Pregnant women and those who are breastfeeding must not opt for low-calorie food.

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