Top 10 recommended health screenings by age and gender

Health screenings by age, health screenings for adults, health screening tests list, recommended health screenings by age and gender, medical tests recommended at age 50, why are health screenings important, health screenings for ages 40-65, health screening for ages 65 and older


You might have heard of the famous axiom “prevention is better than cure”. But that is possible if you can detect the risk of a disease at an early stage. Unfortunately, many people become ignorant and neglect their health until something serious comes up. It’s a worse idea to go for screening and tests when you see a symptom or find yourself in a helpless state.

The health screenings are crucial for all people and it should be done under expert physicians. The major benefit of health screening is that you can detect the risk of a disease early and can prevent it from getting serious. This not only keeps you healthy and gives you a better piece of mind but also saves you from huge hospital bills. Confused which screening test you should perform? Not to worry as the blog tells you the best health screenings one should go for based on their age and gender.

Let’s learn about all the basic health screenings that men should perform to keep their health good and free of risk factors.

Sl No.Health screeningTo be checked in the age of men To be checked in the age of women
1Eye TestsAny age (as per symptoms)Any age (as per symptoms)
2Ear TestsAny age (as per symptoms)Any age (as per symptoms)
3Blood pressure40 and above50 and above
4Cholesterol30 and above30 and above
5Glucose30 and above30 and above
6Testicular TestAny age (as per symptoms) 
7Prostate40 above (as per recommendation) 
8SkinAny age (as per symptoms)Any age (as per symptoms)
9Pelvic Any age (as per symptoms)
10Bone Density60 above60 above
Basic health screenings

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1. Eye Tests


Men in 20s have sensitive eyes as compared to their adult counterparts. Plus, they are involved in a lot of screen work which includes phone, tablet and laptop for studies and projects. This is why they have a high risk of vision problems like glaucoma and macular degeneration. So men in their 20’s should go for the eye tests every 1 to 2 years. Men in 40’s and 50’s can go for check up every 6 months if some symptoms arises.


Similarly, women should go for eye tests every 1-2 years and more is symptoms occur.

2. Ear Tests


Performing hearing tests for every 10 years work great for men of 20 years and above. If ear pain, low hearing ability or wet ear occurs, then the test should be immediate.


Checking whether the ears are functioning well or not through a hearing test every 10 years is enough for women above 20 years. For some certain problems, ear test can be performed immediately.

3. Blood Pressure Test

Men In 30’s and 40’s

Men in this age group should go for a blood pressure test every 3 to 5 years. Those who are at high risk of blood pressure should be screened yearly.

Men in 50’s and 60’s

Men in their 50’s and above should go for a blood pressure test every 2 years. Those who are at high risk of blood pressure should be screened yearly.

Women in 30’s

Blood pressure screening should be done every 2 years to avoid heart diseases.

Women in 40’s

High blood pressure is directly proportional to dangerous heart conditions. To ensure blood pressure is under control, men in their 40’s should go for a BP screening every 2 years.

Women in 50’s & 60’s

Women in this age group should perform blood pressure screening every 3 years.

4. Cholesterol screening 


According to the American Heart Association, men above 30 years old should go for cholesterol screening every year. Those who are developing a high risk of heart disease need to go for the screening more frequently.


Cholesterol issues are very common in women in their 30’s and above so they should go for cholesterol screening on a yearly basis.

5. Glucose test

Men in 30’s

Men in their 30’s have more risk of diabetes so it’s better to perform blood glucose tests every 5 years.  

Men in 40’s and 50’s

Diabetes is very common in men of 40 years old and above. They should go for a blood glucose test every 3 years. If the blood glucose level is not in control, the interval of test should be increased.

Men in 60’s

Men in their sixties have extremely higher risk of type 2 diabetes or prediabetes so they should do a glucose test every 3 years. If the results are not normal, the screening should be more frequent.

Women in 30’s

Women should perform blood glucose tests in the gap of 3-5 years to find out diabetes risk.

Women in 40’s and 50’s

40 year olds and above women have high risk of diabetes so they should keep blood glucose level in check by performing a glucose test every 3 years.

Women in 60’s

The test should be done every 3 years.

6. Testicular Test

Going for a testicular exam annually works best for men in their 20s, 30s, and 40s.

Performing a testicular exam at an interval of 3 years is great for men in their 50s and 60s to prevent testicular cancer.

7. Prostate Exam

Men above 40 should go for a prostate exam atleast once in three years if recommended by their physician to find risk of prostate cancer.

8. Skin Test

Yearly skin tests for men and women of all ages is good to find out the risk of skin cancer at an early stage.

9. Pelvic Exam

Women of all age group should go for a pelvic exam at least once in 12 months to check for pelvic cancer.

10. Colonoscopy Test


Men in their 50’s and above are at increased risk for colorectal cancer or precancerous polyps so they should go for a colonoscopy test if recommended by their physician every 3 years.


It’s important to go for a colonoscopy test if recommended by their physician every 10 years for all females above 50 to ensure there is no risk of colorectal cancer or precancerous polyps.

Other Important Tests

Bone Density Test

  • Men above 60 years old have an increased risk of poor bone density which causes osteoporosis. Thus, they should go for bone density testing every 2 to 3 years.
  • Women in this age group should perform bone density testing every 3 years.

Ovarian screening & Pap smear test 

  • It’s recommended for women above 30 to go for ovarian screening and pap smear test every 3 years. The test helps in finding out cervical cancer and ovarian cancer.

Mammogram Test

  • Post-menopausal women need to perform mammogram test yearly to detect breast cancer.


  • Elderly men should also go for herpes booster and pneumonia booster at least once in their lifetime to protect against shingles and pneumonia.
  • Additionally, 60 year old women should take herpes and pneumonia booster once to prevent shingles and pneumonia.


Regular health screenings are an important part of maintaining your overall health and well-being. The top 10 recommended health screenings include screenings for blood pressure, cholesterol, colon cancer, diabetes, skin cancer, vision, hearing and more. These screenings can help detect potential health problems early, allowing for timely and effective treatment. It is important to consult with your healthcare provider to determine which screenings are appropriate for you based on your age, gender, and medical history. Regular health check ups can help you maintain good health and live a longer, healthier life.

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What are the most important health screenings?

Eye Tests, Ear Tests, Blood pressure, Cholesterol, Glucose, Skin are among the most important health screenings.

What tests should a woman have every year?

The health screenings women must do regularly includes ovarian screening & Pap smear test, mammogram test, blood pressure, cholesterol, glucose, skin and eye test.

What tests should be done at age 50?

Regular health check up, blood pressure, cholesterol, glucose, colorectal cancer screening, eye test and bone density.

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